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This website will always strive to be unbiased in its reporting. Though posts on this website are thoroughly scrutinized before posting but should be double-checked for their accuracy and current applicability. It shall be noted that content published on this website does not constitute a legal opinion, and we accept no liability for the content of this website, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided herein. It shall be further noted that contents of this website are our intellectual property, and hence shall not be used for commercial benefits under any circumstances.
Cryptolawyers company based in Kiyv providing business and management consultancy services. All the legal consultancy services are provided by Cryptolawyers company.
This website is intended to merely provide general information only and is not meant to advertise or to solicit an attorney-client relationship. No such relationship is created or deemed to be created by visiting this website or by contacting us. None of the content and information in this website is intended to be and should not be construed as legal advice.