When preparing an ICO, every blockchain project has to ask itself: is your token an utility token or a scurity token? We at Cryptolawyers are providing this essential document: a token legal opinion.
Get your token legal opinion
Planning an ICO?
Be compliant
In order to list a token on a regulated crypto-exchange, one requires a legal opinion. Make sure that your token is an utility token if you call it an utility token and not a security token that would trigger heavy SEC rules. Our team delivers teaoken legal opinions according to the highest industry standarts at affordable prices.

Are you GDPR compliant?
Companies must conform with EU regulations on how the customer data is gathered, used, stored and protected. This affects both EU companies and those who wish to serve EU consumers. To comply with GDPR, you will need to create a GDPR-compliant Privacy Policy, abide by the principles of the GDPR and only process your users personal data on a lawful day. Avoid severe penalities - up to 1% of your annual turnover - and make your company compliant today!
Since May 25th, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (or simply “GDPR”) regulates data protection and privacy for all EU individuals.
Do you have terms
& conditions, cookies…?
These page sets the rules for using your website. These pages can limit your liability should a customer take you to court, as well as protect your rights to the content contained in your website and the major privacy law in the EU, the ePrivacy Directive require you to inform the visitors of your website about your use of cookies. You can do so through Cookies Policy. We provide you the necessary legal documents for your website in a short time.
Terms & Conditions page sets the rules for using your website.
Legal opinion
Legal opinion
GDPR compliant privacy
Legal opinion
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We based are in Ukraine (Kyiv) and specialized in business law and also assisting clients with business arrangements if needed.

Our team consists of professional lawyers with extensive experience of crypto project blockchain technologies. We understand your business and help transform your ideas into reality with innovation and creativity.
We are an international law firm with expertise in blockchain technology and corporate law.
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A legal opinion is detyerminating the nature of a token as utility token or security token based on the functions of the token and its concept. A legal opinion letter is needed mainly to determine if the project token qualifies as a utility token. Essentially, the legal opinion letter for utility tokens indicates that the utility tokens of a particular project are outside the scope of security laws.

The legal opinion letter is explaining the utility aspects of crypto tokens primarily covers all the aspects of the blockchain project or the crypto project.

Companies using blockchain as DNA of their business model are raising funds by launching their own tokens through either an ICO, IEO or IDO. Whether they are subject to SEC regulations usually depends upon whether the token they are issuing would likely be deemed a security or a utility token by the SEC. We will review all of the documentation for your crypto and NFT project. We will prepare a legal opinion on utility tokens for blockchain technology companies to be submitted at international cryptocurrency exchanges.